Video: Attorney General Lynch on Dallas Police Shootings -

Video: Attorney General Lynch on Dallas Police Shootings

As Americans digest the aftermath of gunfire in Dallas, Loretta Lynch spoke to us all when she said, “This has been a week of profound grief and heartbreaking loss.” She is right. Together, we saw first-hand the injustice of Anton Sterling and Philando Castile having their lives cut short. Then, at the peaceful protest following their deaths, five police officers were gunned down.

As we watched the live streaming Facebook video of a man getting shot; many felt it could have just as easily been them. Others felt that they must stand up. That they must speak out. That, we must all come together and change this! So, they carried out a peaceful protest. A gathering to raise their voices, grieve together, and heal.

And… while peacefully protesting, suddenly the healing stopped. Gunfire rang out. Loud pops shattered all other sounds in the night sky. Five officers, suddenly lost their lives.

To those peaceful protesters Lynch said, “Your voice is important. Do not be discouraged by those who use your lawful actions as a cover for their heinous violence. We will continue to safeguard your Constitutional rights and to work with you in the difficult mission of building a better nation and a brighter future.”

In moments like these, when horrific things happen, we need public officials like Lynch working together on our behalf. Lynch spoke of the investigative resources being deployed, civil rights actions being taken, and warned us not to settle for life like this.

Looking towards the future, the Attorney General made a call for unity as she continued, “I ask you to turn to each other, not against each other as we move forward. Let us support one another. Let us help heal one another.”  She closed saying, “I urge you to remember, today and every day, that we are one nation, we are one people, and we stand together.”

What was the speech missing? The names of the fallen officers. The shooting was so recent that friends and family had not yet been notified of their loss. This tragedy was so recent that Lynch could not mention their names. As Lynch was delivering this speech, others were still receiving terrible phone calls.

“Your husband… won’t be coming home.” “Your father… won’t be coming back.”

Watch the full speech:

Source: C-Span Video: Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the Dallas Police Shootings

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