5 Ways to Crush Trump and Stand With Hillary!

5 Ways to Crush Donald and Stand With Hillary

Matt Rourke/AP
Hillary Clinton: Photo: Matt Rourke/AP

We have just watched two historic debates between Secretary Hillary Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump.  The race is now headed to the home stretch. With lewd sexual comments flooding the airwaves from Trump, and massive attempts to villainize Hillary underway; we’ve got to keep our eye on the ball. The only way Trump’s team believes they can win is if they destroy every ounce of Hillary’s reputation so she looks as bad as he is. We’ve got to stand-up for her!

The combined efforts of people like us is what will help us achieve the bigger goal. Democrat Hillary Clinton in the White House and Republican Donald Trump sent back home.

Two other goals are crucial. 1) Take back Congress so governing is possible. 2) Put leaders in place who will unrig voting districts. Republicans lose the popular vote by far, but rigged districts so badly that they control the House of Representatives. 2020 is when the next redistricting happens. The leaders we put in place NOW, in this election, will be in charge of the process. Voting districts will be locked in until 2030!

Why does this all matter?

Our next President will make major decisions on important Policy issues both here at home and in the rest of the world.   Your voice matters.  Your vote matters.  Together, we all matter.  When we elect Democrats, we benefit from economic policies that help everyone, rich and poor, not just those at the top.   

When we elect Democrats, we bare witness to national security policies and counter-terrorism strengths that ended the threat of super terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

When we elect Democrats, we continue improving the advances we have made in health care, which helped 20 million more Americans get health insurance, including 1.5 million children.

When we elect Democrats, we repair and improve our National and statewide infrastructures, creating millions of jobs.  

When we elect Democrats, plans are realized, like President Obama’s Recovery Act, which helped add 15 million more American jobs, and led 2015  to be the top year of wage growth on record. Remember when we were losing 800,000 jobs per month?

Now, job growth is around 200,000 most months. That’s nearly a 1 million job per month difference from where we began. Republicans said Democrats plan for job creation would NEVER work.

Yet, we are continuing the longest period of consecutive monthly job growth in US history. Republicans dialed up their obstruction because Democrats plans were working so well, that the GOP felt they had to slow down American’s success while we had a Democratic President.

Supreme Court control may be locked in for TWO generations!

Our next President will appoint as many as four Supreme Court Justices.

Our Justices will make decisions that impact many of those decisions above.  

Our Justices will secure women’s rights,
The right to choose.  
The right of access to affordable healthcare.  
The right to equal pay for equal work,   
Our Supreme Court Justices will secure voting rights for all.  
Our Supreme Court Justices will end the disaster of Citizen’s United that allows a flood of unaccountable, corporate money negatively influencing our elections.

Secretary Clinton wants to end the Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision that allowed unlimited, corporate money to sway our elections.  Donald Trump hired the President of Citizen’s United to work for the Trump campaign.

Democrats know that climate change is real and are working to solve the crisis.  Republicans in Congress have appointed two climate change deniers to lead each committee handling climate change.  Democrats believe in science.  Republicans believe what their corporate sponsors tell them to believe.  Our freedoms, our lives, our very planet are all at stake in this election.

If you are ready to get involved, then the steps are simple.  

You can make a big difference from right where you are.
1) Go to IWillVote.com.  
Every vote counts.  
Your vote counts.  
Make certain you are registered to vote.  
Make certain your friends, family, and neighbours are registered to vote.  
Bring your friends, family, and neighbours to vote.
The other side is counting on our apathy, let us disappoint them with our enthusiasm.  
The other side is counting on our ignorance, let us disappoint them with our knowledge.
The other side is counting on our weakness, let us disappoint them with our strength.
The other side is counting on our defeat, let us disappoint them with our    victory.  
The other side wants to silence our voice, let us disappoint them by             voting.
Make a plan now! Find your voting location. Put the exact time you will go vote into your calendar. Leave extra time to vote!
If Republicans believe you can sway the election, they’ll try to suppress the vote in your area. Less early voting days and fewer voting machines are a deliberate attack on our democracy. The GOP goal is to make it harder for some to vote. Stand-up to them! Make sure you get through!
2) Join Hillary’s team at HillaryClinton.com.
Learn where Secretary Clinton stands on the issues about which you care most.  
Find out how to volunteer, or contribute to the national effort.  
When you add your efforts here; we all make a difference together.

3) Support the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC.org).  Congress is controlled by Republicans.  The DCCC directs volunteers and money where it will help win a Congressional race.  People are resources.  People are moved quickly to where they need to go to affect the most change.  You can volunteer in person.  You can help from home

4) Please, join the effort to UnRig the Map (UnRigtheMap.com).  Many of the key voting districts have been gerrymandered since the last census, 2010.  The Democrats won the popular vote nationally, but lost Congress because these important Congressional Districts no longer represent the population demographics at large.  Please, join the effort to support races that will help turn this around.

5) Use Ballotpedia.org to get to know your candidates, their issues, and what matters to you in this election.  You can look at a sample ballot so you know what to expect on election day.  You can find the issues and positions that are important to your friends, your family, and your coworkers.   You can help them see where the candidates stand and how your group  can get involved.

We have the tools to help make a difference, now.  The election outcome depends on our efforts as an army of volunteers and contributors.  We are putting the correct resources where they need to go.

It is up to you.
It is up to me.
It is up to all of us together.
It’s our country.
We the people.
E Pluribus Unum.
Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get back to work.
Thank you, for your time and attention.
-Ben King and Dr. Andre Strumer

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