May 2016 - The Ben King Report

3 Different Ways to Read Hillary Clinton’s Emails

Hillary Clinton's Emails

Hillary Clinton’s Emails: Strengthen Opposition, Show Presidential Experience, and You Can Read Them. Hillary Clinton’s emails clearly show some poor handling while travelling nearly a million miles in service of the United States. How bad is it? Other people are more qualified than I to answer that. Regardless, the opposition will continue to use the emails to attack Hillary Clinton as they have for months. My curiosity spiked about what is in the emails. Hillary Clinton was representing the President

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Debate: Why is Dollar Value So Volatile?

How far will your dollar go? The strength of the dollar against other major currencies determines how much you can buy. If the US dollar is stronger, then something you buy from another country gets cheaper. If the US dollar is weaker, then another country, with a strong currency, gets a cheaper deal when buying anything made in America. What is the chart telling us? Late 1970’s the dollar value spikes. Mid 80’s the dollar drops in value. American purchasing

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3 Powerful Secrets Candidates Use to Smear Competitors

You are being manipulated with labels Your mind is being manipulated by a very sly communicator. “Low energy” Bush. “lying” Ted Cruz. Look at that “face” Carley. You are witnessing the “Attribution theory,” election. If a label is stuck on someone’s head and it stays there… it may be hard to shake. The bragging Republican presumptive nominee and egomaniac Trump likes to stick labels all over people. He’s aiming for what is called “internal attribution.” He’s creating names to pin

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Sticking Labels: Election 2016 Mind Control

Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Mind Control

You are being manipulated Your mind is being manipulated by a very sly communicator. “Low energy” Bush. “lying” Ted Cruz. Look at that “face” Carley. You are witnessing the “Attribution theory,” election. If a label is stuck on someone’s head and it stays there… it may be hard to shake. The bragging Republican presumptive nominee and egomaniac Trump likes to stick labels all over people. He’s aiming for what is called “internal attribution.” He’s creating names to pin negative internal

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News Feed Wars: How What You Click Rips America Apart.

Facebook algorithms learn what you like. Your “likes” trigger a cascade of ideas you’ll already agree with. Computerized perfection then assures that you are fed what pleases you and idea stove pipes form that ramp your emotions to the extreme. This disruptive technology forms a news feed war that is a disaster for our Democracy and it is ripping America apart. We must reflect about how we are learning about candidates and their issues as we select a President in

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The Bernie Sanders Revolution Has Changed America

Sanders with Hillary Clinton at a Democratic debate. Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg/Getty Senator Bernie Sanders is perfectly correct in decrying corporate/fascist influence in American politics, and perfectly right to emphasize that the corporate-friendly policies of the past 30-odd years have been devastating for the American Middle Class. He has stood a long and important watch for our political well-being. Understanding the sometimes absurd primary process is essential to understanding WHY Senator Sanders is so important in 2016. In a nutshell, the more support

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