Trump Archives - The Ben King Report

3 Ways Donald Trump Deserves a Thanks

Trump reveals the work we have to do

Trump deserves a thanks, even if we give him a vote of no thanks… Whether you love him, hate him, or believe he is mentally ill, Donald Trump has held our attention for over a year with the most unconventional presidential campaign in history. Yes, the mainstream media outlets gave him more than his fair share of coverage because stories about him lend themselves to clickbait headlines that sell advertising. Yes, those of us who thought this was all a

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Trump’s Campaign Pitch Matches Sales Pitch For Fraudulent Trump-U

Trump University Fraud Ad

Trump University was a massive fraud. Real people were hurt. Motivational speakers were used to sell people more and more expensive programs, and to convince them to get new credit cards to pay. Over time, the details of this must be examined closely. This man doesn’t care who his actions hurt and he wants to be President. The media is covering the remarks he made about the judge. While those statements were horrible, Trump achieved his objective. The media was

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3 Powerful Secrets Candidates Use to Smear Competitors

You are being manipulated with labels Your mind is being manipulated by a very sly communicator. “Low energy” Bush. “lying” Ted Cruz. Look at that “face” Carley. You are witnessing the “Attribution theory,” election. If a label is stuck on someone’s head and it stays there… it may be hard to shake. The bragging Republican presumptive nominee and egomaniac Trump likes to stick labels all over people. He’s aiming for what is called “internal attribution.” He’s creating names to pin

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Sticking Labels: Election 2016 Mind Control

Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Mind Control

You are being manipulated Your mind is being manipulated by a very sly communicator. “Low energy” Bush. “lying” Ted Cruz. Look at that “face” Carley. You are witnessing the “Attribution theory,” election. If a label is stuck on someone’s head and it stays there… it may be hard to shake. The bragging Republican presumptive nominee and egomaniac Trump likes to stick labels all over people. He’s aiming for what is called “internal attribution.” He’s creating names to pin negative internal

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