Politics Archives - The Ben King Report

Stop calling it “Terrorism.”

That’s the more-than-wrong label for attacks on innocent civilians.  Don’t blame the media for shorthand.  They’ve used the code word we’d recognize quickly, but it’s time for a change.   Just like toddlers on the playground or drunks in a bar fight, using violence to drive home an opinion proves the weakness of the argument… and of the perpetrator.  We see it all over the news, sadly, more and more often.  Cowardly copycats lashing out at people who have nothing to

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Donald’s Drag from the Paris Accord Stinks.

Trump’s latest action may leave the world choking on his self-justification. Ever had a smoker sit down next to you?  In a theater, in a waiting room, on public transportation, you’ve chosen your seat and the person who plops down next to you reeks.  He’s not smoking at the moment, she’s not even holding a lit cigarette, but because of some previous activity, you’re pulling in two lungsful of reek, just as if the smoker was doing it right then.

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