Trump's Campaign Pitch Matches Sales Pitch For Fraudulent Trump-U -

Trump’s Campaign Pitch Matches Sales Pitch For Fraudulent Trump-U

Trump University was a massive fraud. Real people were hurt. Motivational speakers were used to sell people more and more expensive programs, and to convince them to get new credit cards to pay. Over time, the details of this must be examined closely. This man doesn’t care who his actions hurt and he wants to be President.

The media is covering the remarks he made about the judge. While those statements were horrible, Trump achieved his objective. The media was ramping up coverage of the Trump University fraud and he was able to completely change the topic and put it on something else. Think about it. How much coverage are you seeing today of all the people he harmed? Where did the talk go of the sales managers saying the entire thing was a scam?

The next step in his masterful con job will be to pivot onto the Democrats candidate. He will try and establish equivalence. His objective will be make her look equally bad, or worse. His TV surrogates will be out in force because they know if they say it enough, to enough people it will become true.

You are witnessing the masterwork of a con artist. He stinks as a candidate, so while he tried to pivot off his Trump University fraud he also angered and insulted millions of people. However, this is still the masterwork of a con artist. This is classic Donald Trump.

Trump University was a massive fraud that harmed people deeply. Watch this advertisement that got people into the door.

Sound familiar? The method Trump used to con people out of thousands of dollars is the same as his  election pitch to voters. My concern… The Trump University pitch WORKED. (Once President, he’ll hire the best people right? He’ll make America a huge success too! America will be great again!)

People’s lives were damaged, and their financial position wrecked. There are court cases now, which he keeps extending out further into the future to burn out the legal resources, money, and patience to see the case through. These cases, are all happening long after he got what he wanted. He drained their money from their wallets and put it in his pocket.

We’ve got to stop the con before voters fall for it and Americans feel the pain next. Read the story of a man who fell for his previous con, before we fall for his current con.

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